Upward Mobility

Today at work I advocated for someone who works under me.  I explained that she does excellent work, that she deserves to move up in the company and requested an expensive training course that would enable her to take on more upper-level job duties.

The higher-ups approved it.

I was quite excited about it and happy to tell her the good news but then I thought, "WHAT THE HECK!?!"  I sang her praises to my boss more than I've ever sang my own.  I have never had the nerve to request something like that for myself and it's a training course that wouldn't hurt my upward mobility either.

Why am I willing to go to bat for someone else before I go to bat for myself?

I received the book, "What Color Is Your Parachute" for Christmas.  It's about time I crack the dang book open and learn about the job market and hopefully a little about myself.


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