Missing in action

What's been going on in my life since I last blogged you ask? Time for bullet points! And no, I haven't gotten angry and grown a twig and berries. Read about that below...
-I went to Europe (and am SO HAPPY to be back home)
-I realized that Europe is a wonderful place for lovers...wish I had one
-I've gotten on a fitness kick. I joined a gym and my second day there I watched a guy fall out in the middle of his workout and the paramedics were unable to resuscitate him.
-I've realized that while I appreciate the "Team" mentality, I really love getting work done on my own and am about ten times more productive alone than when working with other people (i.e. I can do my work and their work SO much faster)
-I still love the music of Train
-I miss the beach. Darn you BP!
Oh, of all the museums, churches and gorgeous architecture I saw on the trip, the pic above was the one that really made me smile. Got to love angry teenage graffiti artists.
-I went to Europe (and am SO HAPPY to be back home)
-I realized that Europe is a wonderful place for lovers...wish I had one
-I've gotten on a fitness kick. I joined a gym and my second day there I watched a guy fall out in the middle of his workout and the paramedics were unable to resuscitate him.
-I've realized that while I appreciate the "Team" mentality, I really love getting work done on my own and am about ten times more productive alone than when working with other people (i.e. I can do my work and their work SO much faster)
-I still love the music of Train
-I miss the beach. Darn you BP!
Oh, of all the museums, churches and gorgeous architecture I saw on the trip, the pic above was the one that really made me smile. Got to love angry teenage graffiti artists.