Strep Throat and Tonsillitis

Be jealous my very jealous...NOT! Who gets strep throat and tonsillitis at the same time. Umm...yeah...that would be me. What kills me about the whole thing, besides the sore throat, is that before I knew I was sick my ass went to work...early! To be more specific my ass worked several thirteen hour days with no lunch while others called in sick. What...the...hell?! I managed to make it in to work with every throat infection known to man but others were calling in sick!?!

And before you get too excited, I didn't get diagnosed until Friday afternoon when I left work and drove straight to an urgent care to get checked out.

Talk about(wo)manning up. I wish others would do the same. Cough, cough (ouch!) -you know who you are- that fake-called in sick on Friday. Loser.


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