Second verse same as the first

(See previous post)

Today that song plays truer than ever. Another weekend that I got to spend with guy and more questions and red flags than ever. The time we spent together was amazing but had this bittersweet tinge because of both of our relationship deal breakers and life goals. I'm one of those people who does not necessarily want children and even if I did, it would be a real toss up over whether it's even a physical possibility.

He's the guy who has always wanted a large family. I want three to five years with just me and my man before kids are even thought about. He wants (and would need) to start babymaking immediately as his baby mama has six years of pregnancy in front of her.

I want my man and I to be financially stable and able to do the things we want to do for fun in life. There 's no way (with his deal breakers) that financial security could ever be a possibility.

He's willing to be a stay at home dad and I'll be damned if I stay at home with six children and damned if my man doesn't get out the house and earn money as well. But what can you do? You couldn't send that many kids to daycare.

He has literally become fixated with my stomach. He says it's because I'm so fit and he loves the feel of it. I think he's secretly imagining me pregnant. This weekend at one point he was rubbing away on the ole belly again and then leaned down and said, "Hello little fella!" and I told him. While he still occasionally will get the rubs in, he now knows that he has to "simma down now" (anyone remember that one?). I don't know. This is a good guy who is completely wrong for me and (to be honest) I'm a great gal who is totally wrong for him. We should call it off right? Stop things before they go any further since neither of us is really willing or able to let go of our dreams. And to be honest, we really shouldn't have to.

If we carried on, eventually one or both of us would be miserable and blaming the other person even when there would really be no one to blame except for ourselves.


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