He Just Wasn't That Into Me

Guy and I are kaput. Finito. Done. The past weekend that we spent together was so perfect...that it was scary at the same time because there was a huge elephant (or should i say crib) sitting in the room. Yes, the dealbreakers broke us. He's determined to have six to ten children and I don't want (and it would be near impossible for me to have)that many (if any). Which he knew/knows.

After a rather heated and lengthy exchange two days later, we determined that we're going to be...you guessed it people...(drum roll) "just friends".

Problems arise though when he doesn't want to respect the boundries. Certain discussions and kidding around that we used to do before are now off limits.

So, there you have it people. It appears that I am perfectly lonely.

Side rant: I am sick and tired of being seen as a freakin brood mare. This is the second time that issues regarding the (ridiculas) number of children a male hoped to have has ended a relationship. Well eff you guys. Not me (which seems to be the inclination these days).


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