Letting off a little steam

Have you ever had one of those days where...

1 - You're cursing at people because of their crap ass driving before you've even left your own driveway
2- You are in the mood to destroy; meaning you have the attitude of "I just dare you to approach me with crap today"
3- You find yourself sitting at a stop light in a sudden panic thinking, "Where the heck did I go wrong? This is not where I saw myself being ten years ago and I have no freakin' idea of how to get there...wait, yes I do...move to a better city and get a better job!"
4- You're calmly strolling through Target doing a little retail therapy when your retail meditation session is interrupted by an unurgeent "urgent" call from work and your anger spikes from zero to ten in less than a nanosecond.
5- You hear a happy baby giggle and think, "Poor thing. Enjoy it while you can."
6- You realize that you're only in your twenties and have already become bitter and maudlin
7-You decide to get off your ass and go to happening place in town to take part in happy hour only to realize that...wait...your town does not have a happening place (or an establishment that actually has a happy hour)
8- You find yourself at the post office with a stack of job applications saying a prayer over each one as you slide them into the mail slot of hope
9- You pass a car with a TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED bumper sticker and you shoot them the bird as you think about purposely cutting them off
10- You go to your blog to bitch and moan to others who are feeling the same damn way.

Have you ever just had one of those days? No? Oh...well...um...me neither.


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