Duck...Duck...Duck...I'M A GOOSE!

So, last night a friend and I went to bar in town that we knew was likely to be pretty crowded with rather hot military out-of-towners. We got all gussied up and plunked ourselves at an outside bar with a glass of beer and a margarita. Instead of noticing all of the hot men who had descended on our city we noticed...the absence of them. Those we did see were walking past to yet another bar. We settled our bill and followed suit.


We had a pretty strategic spot, both of us could see the male specimens coming and going. Our signal to each other for "something hot is about to pass" was "Green". If it was a "something not hot better pass on by" we gave him a "Red". Those who were just to ridiculas for words were given the signal of "CRIMSON". It was funny, to us anyway. Perhaps we were a little tipsy.

So, I turned out to be the Goose in this little Top Gun scenario. The men would approach and begin talking to me and then eventually turn to my friend. Now anyone that has read the Player's Bible knows that you are to approach the ugly friend first and then say hi to the hot one. I was insulted. But I must say, I make a darn good matchmaker/pimp.

She's meeting a Jake Gyllenhal look alike this evening at the pool(I'm not even kidding)while I sit here sipping tea and typing this blog...ummm not that I'm complaining. Sike!


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