Catch Me If You Can

(Song of the day: Going the Distance (Cake))

So I ran the race that I mentioned yesterday. Woo hoo! And my time wasn't atrocious.

I arrived at the race an hour early (as I was too lazy to pre-register). Race time arrived and I walked up to the line and heard, "Georgie?" I'm without my glasses so I peer around and see someone that I haven't seen since high school. I was fully prepared for one of those irritating screech-fest greetings with the obligatory hug and the "Oh my gosh's!" that us girls are so wont to do. So with a mental roll of my eyes I open my mouth and screech, "Libby, oh my gosh!" And everyone turns to stare...including Libby. Yeah, there was a little too much exuberance in the greeting. I should have taken it down a couple of nachos. Maybe when two people who haven't seen each other in forever reunite, each party in the upcoming happy reunion can hold up a sign to determine how over the top their greeting is going to be and the other party can adjust mine was a 7.9 and she was more of a three.

Anywho, we caught up the first eleven minutes of the race and then it was 'Adios former amigo. I've got a race to run'. So after a have your people call my people I was off. The hill at the end had a wall which I ran smack dab into (I mean that figuratively ofcourse). And now I am pretty darn worn out and still have miles to go before I sleep (again, figureatively).


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