Current Love/Hate Relationships

Things I'm Loving:

-Hot tamales candy
-The thought of my upcoming vacation
-Knocking things off of the thirty before thirty list
-Exercise (particularly after brushing my teeth and taking a shower. Weird, I know. There's something about a clean sweat I suppose...
-Pretzel bread
-The Strain book series
-The t.v. show Modern Family
-The beach (today.tomorrow.forever)
-My new netbook
-Quiet neighbors (fingers crossed)
-Four day work weeks!!
-My two new pairs of OeTZI3300 shoes (so comfy)
-The absence of rain
-The fact that I've returned to blogging!

Things I'm Hating

-The gal at work who is all talk when it comes to getting work done
-Faking it (not like that)
-The humidity
-That my fav bloggers aren't updating regularly
-The way I feel when I wake up in the morning (sore! ... from running)
-The dread of dentist and doctor appts
-Math (today.tomorrow.forever)

Happy Sunday!


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