And then he kissed me

My man has the sweetest kisses (as far as I know anyway)
Today's one of those days where I'm taking it back to that first kiss. The one where I was nervous...knew where things were leading when he got "the look". And just ducked my head into his chest and muttered, "I'm nervous". To which we had the whispered exchange of:

"There's nothing to be nervous about...We don't have to"
"I want to...I'm just really nervous"
"Do you want to sit in the car"
"No...You're going to have to tell me what to do. I've never done this"
"You'll be fine"

I still kind of lick my lips and tiny smile when I think about it. Was it everything I thought it would be...I don't know. I think I loved the holding (g-rated hugging people!) and forehead kisses best actually.

There you have it...a short trip down memory lane.

Day with guy...pretty darn wonderful.


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