Crotch Shot

i(Song of the day: Take This Job and Shove It (David Allan Coe))
Now I work at a job where I have said numerous times that we ought to have our daily work life filmed for a reality tv series because no one would ever believe the things that actually go on in our office! So I walked past my boss the other day as he was stretching in the middle of the hallway (yeah, made no sense to me either):

Flexible Boss: I'm really flexible for a forty-five year old.
Me (under my breath): Maybe for a sixty-five year old.
Flexible Boss: What was that?
Me: Oh, nothing.

I then proceed to walk into the copier room, grab my papers and on the way out of the copier room:

Flexible Boss's Foot: slams itself into my crotch
My crotch: WTF!?!
Flexible Boss: That's what you get for taunting me!

And then the little crotch-kicking bugger just walked off. What the crap! If I had been a man, I would have been on my knees singing soprano! Can we say crossing the line? Me thinks so!


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