Monday Mumblings

Song of the day: Working For the Weekend (Loverboy)
Long time no blog….and not much is going on. I’m applying like a mad-woman for new jobs and nobody but nobody is hiring (and I was doing this before the official recession announcement was official)! SIGH!! So, I’m trying to figure out what to do this weekend (I know, it’s only Monday):

1- Run a 5K…there’s a Run/Walk of life event coming up that would be a good thing to do but I’m kind of wanting to travel. Side note: I’m doing really well on my New Year’s Resolution - to run at least 6 road races plus a half marathon. Half marathon is done and I only need to do three more road races. I hate to toot my own horn here but TOOT TOOT!

2- Go shopping…I’m really doing well finance-wise right now and don’t want to mess that up.

3- Travel somewhere…(see above)

4- Go on a man prowl – Seriously? Who am I kidding? That’s every weekend baby!

I just don’t know….I guess I’ve got some food for thought. Any suggestions?


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